Abandoned attempt at Lua bindings to rabbitmq-c

Abandoned attempt at Lua bindings to rabbitmq-c

I need a Lua library to communicate with rabbitmq, so after looking around and only finding luajit ffi based ones, and an nginx specific STOMP driver, I decided to create my own.

rabbitmq-c seems to be the most popular C library, so I spent about half the day getting some bindings working. But as I made slow progress, I realised that the most functions (e.g. amqp_login) provided by rabbitmq-c were blocking, with no async variants were available. This was a no-go, as I need to use talk to rabbit from within another server process that cannot be held up.

Instead of letting it go to a complete waste, I figured I might as well open source the attempt. At least it might be a starting point for the next person to come along.